About Us

Our Missions

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Children's Heart Foundation (CHF) was set up on 10th November 1994 by a group of concerned parents and volunteers. It was founded as a registered charitable organisation devoted to supporting children suffering from congenital heart disease and their families.


The CHF office is located at the Room 821, Nan Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. Hong Kong Children Hospital is the main centre for the treatment of peadiatric heart disease in Hong Kong. The Hospital provides full support to the Children's Heart Foundation and cooperates closely with us on all our work for children with heart disease.


The running of the organisation is entirely dependent on donations. Dependant on donation from the public and corporate, the CHF organizes various of fund-raising activities to support all its charitable services.


The CHF provides wide range of service like financial support for treatment; purchasing medical equipment; counseling service, arranging oversea surgeons to come to Hong Kong; overnight accommodation for parents of the hospitalised children; and organising regular educational, developmental and supporting programmes etc.



  • To raise public awareness of congenital heart disease
  • To provide financial and psychological support to families with children suffering from congenital heart disease
  • To advocate the development of technology and methods to prevent defects and to treat congenital heart disease