Fundraising Events

Fundraising Events

Heart to Heart Charity Sports Day 2022

Since 2000, the Children's Heart Foundation (CHF) has organized the annual “Heart to Heart Fundraising Campaign” to encourage the public to maintain a healthy heart through regular exercise, and to appeal to the community to support the growth of children born with congenital heart disease (CHD). 


This year's event, entitled “Heart to Heart Charity Sports Day”, was themed as a mini-athletic event, and for the first time, sports competitions were included in the event, including three-player soccer, floor curling and obstacle course running. At the same time, the event also included sports experiences, including fencing, physical fitness, parent-child yoga, Finnish wooden poles, electronic darts, cycling, as well as booth games and bouncy castles. The event was a great success and suitable for families and participants of all ages.


Thanks to the full support of the sponsors, volunteers and families of the children, the event was held successfully. Participating teams and children with hearts participated in the sports competition to achieve public education on social inclusion. During the competition, participants from various organizations could better understand the situation and needs of the children, and the children could also get to know the kind-hearted people who continue to support them. Even in the face of illness, if we work together, we can overcome the difficulties and the children can grow up happily. The children and the participants of the organization had a great time!


Every bit of your efforts actually helped the families of children with congenital heart disease, and added a lot of encouragement to the children!



The CHF gives special thanks to the following sponsors and supporters (listed in no particular order) -


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