Children Heart Disease

Children Heart Disease

Self-confidence inspires talent, shine brightly on the path of growth - Ayla

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In the journey of life, there are moments that can shape our confidence and courage. For 5-year-old girl Ayla, learning to dance has become an important part of her growth and self-discovery, a milestone in her journey.


Since the age of 3, Ayla has been filled with curiosity and passion for dancing. She dances to the rhythm of music. She joined dance classes, learning various dance styles including graceful ballet and energetic jazz. Every time she steps into the dance studio, she is filled with joy and excitement. However, she also faces challenges and tests of confidence that come with learning to dance.


Wearing beautiful dance attire, she proudly displays the brave scar on her chest, often asked by her dance classmates why she has a long scar. She always shares without hesitation about her surgery during infancy and has learned to be grateful.


Throughout rehearsals and performances, Ayla experiences many difficulties and failures. Sometimes, she may forget the steps or make mistakes. But her teachers are always there to support and encourage her. They tell her that failure is not scary and that every attempt is a learning opportunity. This positive support and encouragement enable Ayla to persevere and cultivate confidence.


Over time, Ayla gradually showcases her talent and confidence on stage. She learns to connect with the audience and finds joy in performing. One of the most memorable experiences was performing at the Parisian Theatre in Macau, where she received enthusiastic applause and encouragement from the audience. For her, the stage is not just a place to showcase herself, but also a platform to express her unique style and personality. Her performances become vibrant and engaging, and her confidence is boosted.


As parents, witnessing Ayla’s growth and progress in dancing fills us with immense pride and gratitude. This journey is not just about learning dance skills, but also about nurturing her confidence and courage. It has taught her resilience in the face of challenges and difficulties and belief in her own abilities.


We hope to share this story with other families to encourage their children to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their dreams. Whether it's dancing, painting, music, or other interests, every child should be encouraged to discover and showcase their unique talents. Such a growth process not only enriches their lives but also builds their confidence and courage, laying a solid foundation for their future. Let us support children's dreams and let them shine on the path to excellence!