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Programme Sponsorship

To enhance the physical and psychological development of children with congenital heart disease to empower them facing the challenges, various educational and developmental programme designed by CHF social workers would be organized for our children every year. We look forward to working with corporate partners not only receiving their sponsorship but also joining hands with their staff and/or volunteer team to help the children with heart disease directly.


For any enquiries, please feel free to contact the CHF staff by 2553 0331 (Tel) or chf@childheart.org.hk



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Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: Cooking Class

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    Roche Hong Kong: Cooking Class

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Force For Good Foundation Nu Skin Hong Kong Chapter X Rippplefly : Swimming Class


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New World Group: Visit in Legoland 


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Maunlife: Ice-Skating Class


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Morgan Stanley: Interview Skill Class

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Hong Kong Disneyland: Mascot Drawing Class



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Manulife: Drawing Class

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Sasuke Fitness: Ninja Run Class

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Delta Asia Financial Group: Academic Award Scheme

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Force For Good Foundation Nu Skin Hong Kong Chapter:  Outdoor Event

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Force For Good Foundation Nu Skin Hong Kong Chapter:  Disneyland Tour