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Be a Volunteer

本頁圖片/檔案 - 義工_基金會之友To help children suffering from congenital heart diseases, you don’t need to be a healthcare staff, millionaire or professional.


You only need to have a heart, enthusiasm and a little time. Please join us as “Friends of CHF”.


Let's make an effort into the health and growth of the children with congenital heart diseases.


As the CHF is a non-government funded organization, the participations of volunteers are our precious resource.


We welcome you to join the volunteer services, such as ward visit, art work design, paper work and assist in functions.


Volunteer reward certificate presentation will be held at the CHF annual general meeting. Please register as “Friend of CHF” and return the form to the CHF. Due to limited manpower, we would reply the application within 1-2 weeks.


Thank you very much.


本頁圖片/檔案 - icon2_16-最新義工服務


Recent Volunteers Services 

本頁圖片/檔案 - icon2_15-義工登記


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