Children Heart Disease

Children Heart Disease

Story of CHD Kids

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Overcoming challenges - Jason

Jason's congenital heart disease was discovered during his junior secondary school years. At that time, he experienced a sudden rapid heartbeat during class, and subsequent examinations revealed an arrhythmia condition. He was then referred to Queen Mary Hospital for further evaluation. After several ultrasound and electrocardiogram tests, he was diagnosed with having Supraventricular Tachycardia, a common form of congenital arrhythmia characterized by intermittent rapid heartbeats. "This condition caused concern among my family and school. The school even prohibited me from participating in sports-related activities. Fortunately, with the help of the Foundation and the treatment provided...

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Sorrowful September and Optimistic October” – Life and Death a Teenager with Tetralogy of Fallot - Andrew

Hope for Every Patient Like Me Hope for Every Struggling Parent of a Patient Like Me October 4th, returning to the Children's Hospital for a follow-up consultation. With the doctor’s arrangement, I had a series of X-ray scan, electrocardiogram and other examinations, then made an appointment for further follow-ups. I stepped out of the main entrance of the hospital, with the warming sun in the blue sky and comforting breeze brushing my face, I owe my heart-felt gratitude towards Dr. Yung Tak Cheung, Dr. Chau Kai Tung, kind-hearted and beautiful nurses, and all the helpful social workers from the Children's Heart Foundation. Seventeen years ago, I was born with congenital...




The Value of Life, Walking Against the Wind - Damian & Lucy
